Thursday, November 4, 2010


So, I just had a week of tests, am caught up on most of my homework, and bored tonight. Therefore, I decided to do a little blog entry. Nothing really extraordinary has happened over the last bit so I am going to give an update of things that have really stuck out in my mind.

1. Garth Brooks is doing a show in Nashville. I WILL BE THERE! I will also be jumping on his tour bus and will not complete my last semester at WKU because I will be traveling to Oklahoma with Garth.

2. I was beat in a Garth Brooks song naming contest. This humbled my soul, and for a week straight, I went to bed with his greatest hits playing as a repentence. Talk about shame.

3. I have discovered that my husband has more dirty laundry after one week than probably all of China. How does one man have six baskets of dirty laundry in 1 WEEK!

4. If I don't get into medical school, I am going to be a drug rep. They make good money. They like to talk and are good at it. If there is one thing I can do, it is talk.

Sidenote: I once had a police officer call me at work after he had written me a ticket and told me to rip it up. This goes with my conclusion that people cannot help but like me.

5. People can't help but like me with the exception of my quant professor. I'm pretty sure he hates me.

6. I am refusing to turn on the heat. I will freeze my ass off before I pay a $200 gas bill. Actually, I would pay $200 for someone to freeze my ass off now that I think about it.