Friday, May 21, 2010

This is NOT a Journal

So, I have toyed with the idea of blogging for some time now. People have often told me I should write down all of the wild and crazy things that happen in my pretty average life. Such as the time I almost choked to death on an egg sandwhich (literally), or how I cried so hard after recieving a speeding ticket, the officer called me later that day and canceled it. Anyways, with so many instances like that where the unfortunate happenings in my life bring such joy and happiness to the people close to me (some friends I have) I figured that I could share my crazy adventures that pretty much always begin with good intentions, take a terrible turn for the worse, and then somehow manage to work themselves out in the end, with the oh, maybe five people that might stumble upon this.

The thing I has been holding me back all this time from jumping on the blogging band wagon was that it seemed like keeping a journal in disguise and making it public. I hate with a blinding passion journaling. Keeping a journal is for people with feelings and I am really not one of those feely kind of people. I like to laugh it off and suck it up. Journaling how I feel when I bomb a test, skip exercising, and down a pint of Ben and Jerry's just seems ridiculous. Obviously, I feel like shit, and I don't want to look back and be reminded of that shitty failure, nor do I want to risk the fact of my children someday stumbling upon this documentation of stupidity and lack of self-control and using it as leverage in a future argument (because that is EXACTLY what I would do and there is no doubt that my children will be just a spiteful and bull-headed).

So, if you are one of the lucky ones to stumble upon this blog, then I repeat THIS IS NOT A JOURNAL. It is more of an opportunity for you to get a few kicks out of my crazy, average life.

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